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Assets: Manage the accessibility of digital assets

In the Assets page you can view and manage the accessibility of your web digital assets.

Digital assets include the following file types: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, mp3, .wav, .wma, .mov, .wmv, m4v, .webm, .avi, .mp4

After the initial scan, digital assets that were found on your website are added here.

Screenshot of manage your digital assets

Note: Assets are not audited or remediated automatically.

Select Start Project to get a quote from accessServices to remediate your assets.

Set the status of each asset to track your progress:

  • Unknown: the status is not yet known.
  • Remediated: the asset has been remediated
  • Noncompliant: the asset is not compliant