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Integrations: Connect to ClickUp

Sync accessFlow issues with tickets in your ClickUp list.

Integrations are available for Business and Enterprise plan customers.

Connect to ClickUp

To connect accessFlow to your ClickUp project

A one-time setup is required to connect to ClickUp by an admin user within accessFlow. You must have an existing ClickUp project with a workspace, folder, and list.

1. Go to Integrations and click Connect Integration on the ClickUp card.

Screenshot of connect ClickUp integration

The authentication window appears. The next step is to get authentication details from your ClickUp project. 

Screenshot of ClickUp connection settings

2. Click New authentication.

Screenshot of Create new authentication

3. Go to your ClickUp space, click your Workspace avatar in the lower left corner, and click Apps

Screenshot of ClickUp Apps

4. Click Create new app.

Screenshot of ClickUp create new app

5. Create a name (for example, accessFlow authentication app) and enter the following in Redirect URL

Screenshot of create an app

6. Click Create App.

Screenshot of client ID and secret

7. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from ClickUp (click Show to reveal the Client Secret).

8. Switch back to the accessFlow Create a new authentication window.

9. Paste the Client ID and Client Secret from ClickUp into the corresponding Client ID and Client secret fields in accessFlow.

Screenshot of Create new authentication

10. Select your ClickUp workspace to connect to accessFlow.

Screenshot of Select ClickUp workspace

11. Click Select Workspaces.

12. Select the following to connect accessFlow to ClickUp:

  • Team: Select your workspace in ClickUp
  • Space: Select your ClickUp space.
  • Folder: Select your ClickUp folder.
  • List: Select your ClickUp list.

Screenshot of Clickup connection settings

13. Click Next.

14. Map the status in accessFlow with a corresponding status in ClickUp. Each time the status of an issue in ClickUp is changed, the corresponding status in accessFlow is updated.

Screenshot of Mapping Statuses

15. Click Next.

16. Copy the webhook public URL. This will be used to create a webhook to connect accessFlow to your ClickUp workspace.

Screenshot of Create Webhook

17. Go to your ClickUp List for accessFlow issues, and click Automations in the top right menu.

Screenshot of Automation menu

18. Click New Automation.

Note: If you make changes to your ClickUp list, you will need to create a new automation.

Screenshot of new automation

19. Click the down arrow in the right pane under Then and select Call webhook.

Screenshot of Call webhook

21. Click Create.

22. Go to accessFlow and click Finish.

Your ClickUp project is now synced to accessFlow.

Update the connection settings

You may want to change the ClickUp workspace, space, folder or list for exporting issues or the type of issue to create in ClickUp.

To update the connection settings

1. Go to Integrations and click Edit Integration on the ClickUp card.

Screenshot of edit ClickUp integration

2. Select another ClickUp workspace and/or the type of issue to export.

Export an issue

Export an issue from accessFlow into a ticket in your ClickUp project.

To export an issue

  1. Click Manage on the issue.
  2. In the remediation panel, click Export to create an issue in ClickUp as specified in the connection.

Screenshot of export issue

See Sync with an integrated app